For 35 years, I have been practicing as a lawyer in my country of origin Canada and globally, with expertise in International Human Law, Constitutional Law,
Criminal & Inter-American.
A little
about me
My Story
I started my professional career at the Ministry of Justice of Canada in 1989 in administrative, constitutional, criminal law and in the training of experts and dispute resolution mechanisms. All this experience was channeled geographically in Latin America and the Caribbean, allowing me to have leadership in crucial areas related to Democracy and Law in the Americas for the last 25 years.
At the same time, I completed a doctorate in law at the University of Ottawa, delving into penal reforms to provide a more legitimate approach to the criminal process and bring us closer to citizens and improve access to justice, particularly for groups in a situation of vulnerability before the law.
Currently, this work developed over many years, led me to collaborate with a group of inter-American researchers in law and research.
My Collaborations
In the Americas
Legal Assistance - Good Democratic Practices -
Human Rights / 2000 to 2007
Venezuela (Caracas)
Argentina (B.A.)
Chile (Santiago)
Trinidad and Tobago (Port of Spain)
Washington D.C.
Saint Lucia (Castries)
Barbados (Bridgetown)
Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo)
Colombia (Bogota - Cartagena)
Bolivia (La Paz)
City of Panama
Brazil (Brasilia)
Peru (Lima)
Paraguay (Asuncion)
Mexico City
Uruguay (Montevideo)
For 3 decades, I had the opportunity to collaborate and transmit my knowledge in justice and law throughout the Americas, both at the academic level and in government agencies.
They were varied experiences, where I never stopped learning and at the same time forging leadership in teams, as a coordinator in education, training, creation of study platforms, and most importantly, continuing to build bridges of trust between the actors of change.
Trainings to
Judges and other Judicial Actors
​ Mexico 2017 - 2020
Mexico City
San Luis de Potosí
Hidalgo (Pachuca)
Chetumal (Quintana Roo)
Tuxtla (Chiapas)
San Pedro de las Casas (Chiapas)
​ Haiti
Port - Au - Prince
Les Cayes
Canada ​
Ukraine / Vietnam
1998 - 2024
Workshops & Research
​ France
Le droit de savoir et d'oublier
​ Canada
Le sujet de droit: a Hegelian reflection of the Cour Suprême du Canada
The right and the internet
Access to information and private life
The judicial errors
freedom of religion
The interamerican system of human rights
penal reforms
The legitimacy and responsibility of judicial actors in the criminal process for some vulnerable groups
Standards of the Inter-American Human Rights System
Indigenous villages
Rome Statute
Transitional Justice - Some inter-American examples
Criminal systems - A comparative analysis
The democratic transition in the institutions
sentences and women
Cases of judicial errorsPrejudice in decisions
The Human Rights Commission and the Ayotzinapan case
Judicial reforms and their modern challenges
Cybercrime and human rights
Budapest Convention
Professional experience
2023 - 2024
2011 - 2021
2002 -
1990 - 2024
Profesor de Derecho / Universidad de Chile
Profesor visitante. Cursos en derecho penal, constitucional y ética profesional.
PhD - University of Ottawa
¨The abbreviated procedure in Chile: a Bourdieusian analysis of the legitimacy of judicial reforms.¨
Law professor
Visiting professor - Mexico, Chile and Colombia. Courses in International Relations, Criminal Law - International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution.
Ministry of Justice of Canada
Three decades of expertise oriented to legal advice for the Canadian Government.